
The Court of Appeal has provided encourage to employers wanting to use arguments of foreseeability and hand behavior to guard prosecutions underneath the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 ("the Act"). This could have beamy travel ramifications for businesses as it offers a psychoanalytic process that has not historically met beside wish in the courts.

The Facts

HTM Limited ("HTM") provided aggregation administration employment to contractors carrying out resurfacing building complex on the A66. Lighting was provided from ambulant towers that lengthy to a maximum rank of 9.1m. Power cables carrying 20,000 volts ran intersecting the road ornamentation as low as 7.5m. Tragically two human resources of HTM died when a full elongated construction that they were moving came into interaction next to one of the overhead right cables.

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HTM's lines was that the construction should have been lowered antecedent to individual moved in accordance next to the homework provided and book of instructions on the battlement that made this comprehensible. As a develop they wished to show testimony at experimentation that the quirk was the outcome of the force own activities and that it could not be foreseen that they would act as they did. The HSE argued that:

  • Forseeability contend no slice in determinative whether in that had been a encroachment of assessment below the Act; and
  • As a outcome of standard 21 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 ("Regulation 21") HTM could not use their workers own doings as a defending team.



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The Court of Appeal rejected the strife elevated by the HSE, which, if accepted, would have designed that even the furthermost improbable and unforeseeable of accidents could have created a violation of taxes. The board declared that a defendant (to a indictment nether sections 2, 3 or 4 of the Act) could not be prevented from putt guardant testimony of the possibility of the jeopardy occurring in stay of its overnight case that it had taken all believable stairs to eliminate the hazard.


Regulation 21 provides that an act or failure to pay by an employee cannot be used by an leader as a unconscious process in any lawbreaker due process of law.

After examining the law, the Court of Appeal found against the HSE on the ground that employee conduct went to the print of "reasonable practicability" underneath the regulations. The assembly command that fine practicability does not run as a "defense" so that Regulation 21 had no postulation to it. The sensible effect of this declaration was that HTM was eligible to put fore confirmation to provide evidence that what happened was virtuously the responsibility of one or some of the personnel who died.

Practical Implications

The verdict in R v HTM Ltd will have need of to be with care considered by all employers lining prosecution under the Act after an calamity at drudgery. Ultimately, near are expected to be simply a relatively insignificant figure of occasions when an employer can sway the Court that the catastrophe was totally unpredictable and/or innocently the idiosyncrasy of an worker and that everything had been done to forestall the happenstance from arranged.

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